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"I find the translation service provided by Romantic lines to be excellent."

About GfK

GfK is a phenomenally important research organisation, providing market and media analysis from its headquarters in Nürnberg and from offices in over 100 countries worldwide. Founded in 1934 and with a workforce of over 10,000 people, it is Germany’s oldest research organisation. It has been at the forefront of its field since worldwide expansion in the 1960s, continuously breaking new ground in pharmaceuticals, industry, retail and the service sectors. It has three major divisions: GfK Custom Research, GfK Retail and Technology, and Media.

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Website translation, marketing translation and market research translation for GfK

Romantic lines has been involved with some of GfK’s most prestigious material, including the translation, transcreation and production of market research collateral. Romantic lines recently completed website translations for GfK. GfK has a complex brand language with unique terminology that needed adhering to. Also of particular note is the translation of a revolutionary report which offers key insight into the future of text-based news. The report reveals the escalating consumption of video-based news, especially among younger demographics, driven by smartphones and tablets. This has huge implications for all global media organisations, and Romantic lines is proud to have been the one to have made it globally available.

When reporting on such events, GfK needs a translation agency with specialist staff who have deep insight into the nature of media, economics and the internet. This is why Romantic lines was chosen for the task; we have experts readily available who are not just translators but also academically trained in information technology and the media. This puts us head and shoulders above less specialised translation agencies.

GfK themselves commend our services as ‘excellent’, high praise from the fourth-largest market research organisation in the world.

Visit the GfK website that Romantic lines helped to translate.

Romantic lines Translation can help you

If you’d like to get a quote for market research translation or marketing translation services, please get in touch.